Reporting System

Report Viewer

A viewer based online, that shows you the report details, daily report, client details, employee details and images. The client recieve an email with a link to view after the report has been approved.

Employee Panel

An online dashboard for your employees to create reports, upload images, add to the feed, view and add staff and view usage details.

Admin Panel

A separate dashboard where admins can edit company settings, edit staff, archive reports and images, edit & approve reports and share them as well.

Approve & Send

Once an employee has created a report it goes into admin space, admin space is where admins can go and approve reports and send them to clients, edit them and send the to clients or share them to the team for consultation.


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Your way

Make use of your deisgn board, which can be found in your account. You can drag and drop different styles into your box so we can get a better understanding of your style.

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Reporting System
